






Kazuo Amaya

Department of Engineering,Gunma Univeresity

3-15-4 Okusawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 158 Japan


Recently, organochloro-compounds such as dioxins and trihalomethane are threatening

our daily lives and we have to solve these problems in sustainable way, that is with least materials and energy. It is said that there is remedy for diseases caused by dioxins, except taking chlorella and a kind of blue-green algae as food, by slowly removing these compounds from the body. We have been working on "activated water", which is produced by passing ordinary tap water through a column packed with a number of small ceramic balls called "BRC22".

This water shows different physical, chemical, and biological behaviours from that of ordinary water and we noticed recently that it might be possible to make use of this water instead of the above-mentioned impracticable remedy.

At first we attempted to make use of higher solubility of hydrophobic substances in ceramic treated water then in ordinary-water. Relative solubility ratios for oxygen, toluene, xylene, oleicacid, and anthracene are 1.27, 1.22, 1.55, 1.30, and 1.17 respectively. These relative solubility values were determined by pyrogallol olorimetry for oxygen, by UV absorption-method for toluene, xylene and oleicacid and fluorescence-method for anthracene respectively. Increase of solubility is not so large, but it is expected that washing out of hydrophobic  organochloro-compounds accumulated in liver and fat in the body is enhanced by drinking this ceramic treated water daily, and these compounds are removed slowly through discharge of urine. In order to confirm the above-mentioned higher solubility of ceramic treated water for organochloro-compounds and also to develop easy and inexpensive methods of detecting and rough estimation of very small-amount of dioxins and other organochloro-compounds for screening test, we deviced the following methods.

Organochloro-compound is decomposed to form inorganic chloride ion by photolysis or by chemical reagents and the quantity of chloride ions formed is determined by measuring increment of electric conductivity when the medium has low electric conductivity. When it has high electric conductivity it is electrolysed by silver electrodes, and silver chloride formed is measured by turbidimetry. Detectability of these methods are an order of 10-10 mol/ml. Hexachlorocyclohexane, as a model compound of organochloro-compounds is dissolved in xylene and this solution is shaken with water and equilibrium concentration in water phase is determined by the above-mentioned method. Ratio of this value for ceramic treated water and untreated water was calculated. We got a value of 1.16, greater than 1, as we expected.

In a course of experiments we found unexpectedly that organochloro-compound such as chloroform and hexachlorocyclohexane dissolved in water were decomposed and chloride ions were formed without photolysis or addition of chemical reagents, if ceramic ball was added in water. At present mechanism of these chemical decomposition is not elucidated yet and it is not clear whether similar reactions occur for dioxins. A model experiment using non-toxic aromatic chloro-compounds is needed. If we assume that organochloro-compounds in animals are partly decomposed in a similar way mentioned above, solubility of the fragments of original compounds, devoid of chlorine atom, may be different from that of the original compounds. Usually in aqueous medium chlorine atoms are replaced by hydroxy group and the fragment molecule may become hydrophilic and much more soluble in water. Then removal of these compound become more effective compared with the former attempt.

Beside the problems of removing toxic substances from the human body, we have to consider various ways of moderating various kinds of physiological and pathological effects of these. substances to the human body. The one is disturbance to hormonal functions and the other is carcinogenicity. These problems are related to molecular interaction between DNA and these compounds. Physiological effects of dioxins are related to probability of this attaching this molecule to hormonal site of DNA molecules This value is a function of dioxin concentration and complexation energy between the two molecules. If complexation energy is changed favourably to supress its influence it is equivalent to the decrease of dioxin concentration. Removal of dioxin molecules from the body takes long time but complexation energy is immediately changed by replacing the cell medium. In order to elucidate this point, we made a preliminary experiment using acridine as a model molecule. Interaction between the two molecules was monitored by fluorescence from acridine. It is confirmed that complexation  energy is changed by replacing the medium  from ordinary water with ceramic treated water through change of intensity of fluorescence, though qualitative at present. Carcinogenesis by chemical mutagenic substances are closely related to interaction between DNA and Mutagenic molecules similar to hormonal functions, though its effect comes out very lately.

Fundamental as well as applied researches are needed to overcome dioxins menace to our lives.


最近、ダイオキシンやトリハロメタンのような有機塩素化合物が、我々の日常生活を脅かしており、最小の材料とエネルギーを維持できる方法で、これらの問題を解決しなければならないと考える。 現在、ダイオキシンによって引き起こされる病気は、食物としてクロレラや育緑藻類を摂取することで、体内からゆっくりとこれらの化合物を取り除く以外に治療法は無いと言われている。 私たちは、普通の水道水(常水)を『BRC22』と呼ばれる多数の小さなセラミック球を詰めたカラムを通して造られる『活性水』と関わってきた。この水は、常水とは物理的、化学的、生物学的に異なる性質を有することに着目し、上述の実行不可能な治療方法に変えて、この『活性水』を使うことが出来るか否かについて試験した。

▶ 相対的溶解比
最初に我々は、普通の水と疎水性物質でセラミック処理された水を以て、酸素、トルエン、キシレン、 オレイン酸、 アントラセン について、その相対溶解比を調べた結果、それぞれ、 酸素1、27、トルエン1、22、キシレン1、55、オレイン酸1、30、アントラセン1、17の値が出た。 この相対溶解性の値は、酸素はビロガロール比色法、トルエン、キシレン、オレイン酸はUV吸収法で、アントラセンは蛍光法により測定した。

▶ 疎水性有機化合物の排出

▶ 溶解性の確認と検出方法

有機塩素化台物は、光分解または化学薬品により無機塩化物イオンに分解される。 そして生成した塩化物イオン量は、その溶媒の電気伝導度が低い場台、電気伝導度の増加を測ることにより測定され、溶媒の当気伝導度が高い嶋台は銀電極により電気分解され、生成した塩化銀が比濁法により測定される。

これらの方法の検出能力は10-10mol/mlオーダー (レベル)である。



人体からの毒性化合物の除去問題のほか、これらの化合物の様々な種類の人体への生理学および病理学的作用を抑える様々な方法を考えなければならない。 一つはホルモン機能の攪乱(環境ホルモン作用)、もう一つは発癌性である。
両分子間の相互作用は、アクリジンからの蛍光によりモニターされた。 現在は定性的であるが、錯化力が蛍光強度の変化を通し、常水からセラミック処埋水へ溶媒を置き換えることにより変化することが確認された。